Aubrey Beardsley
A Portfolio of Aubrey Beardsley's Drawings Illustrating "Salome" by Oscar Wilde, 1906
London: John Lane
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Quarto. 18 leaves (17 illustrations plus title sheet). Sixteen of the illustrations were published in Lane's earlier edition of Wilde and Beardsley's collaboration - itself using the same set from...
Quarto. 18 leaves (17 illustrations plus title sheet). Sixteen of the illustrations were published in Lane's earlier edition of Wilde and Beardsley's collaboration - itself using the same set from the 1904 Melmoth & Co. edition. The seventeenth, previously unpublished, is "Salome on Settle." All printed on Japan vellum. This of the "second issue," with the list of plates; only a very few were produced without. This copy accompanied by the prospectus, which boasts Salome as Beardsley's "chef d'oeuvre." Housed in publisher's portfolio backed in buckram with front cover ornament from first edition in like use here. Only motes of soiling to plates, professional repair to one hinge of paper element of folio, this modestly sullied and lacking ties. Protected by a later clamshell box, built for the purpose. A very good-plus set of some of Beardsley's most coveted illustration work.