F.H. Abbing
ABC over de tanden, 1931
(Rotterdam): Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot bestrijding van het tandbederf
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Square octavo. (54)pp. A delightful illustrated alphabet book produced by the Dutch Association for the Combating of Tooth Decay, who chose the form as a way to help children remember...
Square octavo. (54)pp. A delightful illustrated alphabet book produced by the Dutch Association for the Combating of Tooth Decay, who chose the form as a way to help children remember the steps toward proper care of their teeth. Among the words included are "Aandacht [attention]," as in, "A, attention is requested for the teeth so that toothache never plagues you"; "Questie [Quest]" for the quest to take good care of your mouth; and "Fruit," the same word in English, which is "so fragrant and fine, and excellent medicine for the teeth." The accompanying color images are connected to the illustrative sentence, sometimes tangentially, as with N, which describes wisdom teeth and depicts an owl sitting on a book open to the same page spread for N as the reader is viewing, suggesting that by reading the book, the reader will gain their own wisdom about the heath of their teeth. Bound in illustrated paper over boards, showing rubbing and wear, rebacked; otherwise, tight and clean internally. Very good. An uncommon book found in just three libraries worldwide.