Die Blümlein des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, 1911
Leipzig: Insel-Verlag
The only copy hand-colored and hand-illuminated.
Octavo. (vi), 235, (1)pp. This is the only recorded copy in which every one of its 83 initial vignettes is enhanced by hand by Carl Weidemeyer-Worpswede. Weidemeyer eventually gained greater...
Octavo. (vi), 235, (1)pp. This is the only recorded copy in which every one of its 83 initial vignettes is enhanced by hand by Carl Weidemeyer-Worpswede. Weidemeyer eventually gained greater recognition as an architect, but in the 1910s his work remained tethered to book design and illustration. His color choices reflect those characteristic of Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, and other neoclassical modernist movements: soft pastels and natural tones with occasional details in bright jewel hues. His later work would take on the angular and geometric aesthetics of Rationalism, but here his adoption of contemporaneous style suits the monastic text. In a half vellum binding with marbled paper over boards. Original wrappers bound in. Minimal rubbing to edges, else fine.