Henry Jones
Merit. A Poem, 1753
London: R. and J. Dodsley
First edition.
Octavo. 23pp. The Earl of Chesterfield, to whom the publication is dedicated, was Jones's patron. Jones was Irish, and his literary adoption by the Earl indicates the state of affairs...
Octavo. 23pp. The Earl of Chesterfield, to whom the publication is dedicated, was Jones's patron. Jones was Irish, and his literary adoption by the Earl indicates the state of affairs of the political and social negotiations between Ireland and England. Adding to this effect are Jones's numerous references to contemporary figures, among them the Viscount Jocellyn, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and Richard Mountney, one of the Barons of the Exchequer of Ireland. The focus on merit as a contingency for a legitimate government had been a key question plaguing Britain since the brief era of the Cromwellian Commonwealth and then the Restoration. Rebound in quarter yellow cloth with papered boards. Pages themselves quite bright and clean, boards rubbed, else very good. Scarce.