Beatrix PotterThe Fairy Caravan, 1929Philadelphia: David McKay Company$ 1,350.00View more details
John FowlesThe French Lieutenant's Woman, 1985London: Jonathan CapeAffectionately inscribed by Fowles to the Taft School at the half-title.$ 100.00View more details
John SteinbeckThe Grapes of Wrath, 1939NY: Viking Press$ 3,500.00View more details
The Great World's Fairs and Expositions, 1986Miami, FL: Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection of Decorative and Propaganda Arts$ 30.00View more details
Emmett E. Giltner and Margaret SpahrThe Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation, 1931NY: Charles E. Merrill Co.$ 100.00View more details
William FaulknerThe Hamlet, 1940NY: Random HouseFirst edition.View more details
Edward GoreyThe Haunted Tea-Cosy: A Dispirited and Distasteful Diversion for Christmas, 1997NY: Harcourt BraceOne of 500 numbered copies, signed by Gorey.$ 250.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium, 1999NY: Harcourt BraceProof copy.$ 275.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium, 1999NY: Harcourt BraceOne of 750 copies, signed by Gorey.$ 350.00View more details
Charles L. NicholsThe Holy Bible in Verse, 1926Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian SocietyView more details
A. A. MilneThe Ivory Door. A Legend in a Prologue & Three Acts, 1929London: Chatto & WindusFirst edition. Signed by Milne at title page.$ 350.00View more details
Richard HillaryThe Last Enemy, 1942London: Macmillan & Co.First edition, first printing.$ 500.00View more details
The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey, (c. 1830)NY: New-York Religious Tract Society$ 300.00View more details
Frederick J. Hoffman; Charles Allen; Carolyn F. UlrichThe Little Magazine: A History and Bibliography, 1946Princeton, NJ: Princeton University PressView more details
Charles Seymour Alden; Charles Wadsworth (illus.)The Long Sought Landscape, 1968Boston: Commonwealth SchoolOne of 700 copies. Inscribed by Wadsworth at front flyleaf.View more details
Thomas MannThe Magic Mountain, 1927NY: KnopfFirst edition. One of 200 copies. Signed by Mann.$ 2,850.00View more details
Carson McCullersThe Member of the Wedding, 1946Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Inscribed to "Eddie and Dotty" by the author on an adhered label bearing the logo of the Riverside Press.View more details
E. B. WhiteThe Points of My Compass, 1962NY: Harper & RowFirst edition. Inscribed by the author: "Jane and By / With love and a Merry / Christmas from Auntie K and Andy / N. Brooklin, Maine."View more details
Edward GoreyThe Prune People II, 1983NY: Albondocani PressOne of 400 copies, signed by Gorey.$ 325.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyThe Redress of Poetry, 1995London: Faber & FaberView more details
William FaulknerThe Reivers. A Reminiscence, 1962NY: Random HouseOne of 500 copies of the first edition. Signed by Faulkner.$ 1,500.00View more details
William MorrisThe Roots of the Mountains, 1890London: Reeves & TurnerFirst edition. One of 250 copies on Whatman paper.$ 2,500.00View more details
Joseph ConradThe Rover, 1923Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & CompanyOne of 377 copies. Signed by Conrad.$ 1,250.00View more details
A. A. MilneThe Secret and Other Stories, 1929NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 742 copies of the first edition. Signed by Milne.$ 300.00View more details
W. H. AudenThe Shield of Achilles, 1955NY: Random HouseFirst edition.$ 150.00View more details
David HitchcockThe Social Monitor; or, A Series of Poems on Some of the Most Important and Interesting Subjects, 1812Stockbridge, MA: H. Willard$ 300.00View more details
John Greenleaf WhittierThe Stranger in Lowell, 1845Boston: Waite, Peirce and CompanyFirst edition. Accompanied by an ALS from Whittier's brother, dated September 3, 1845.$ 650.00View more details
Mary HeebnerThe Tragic History of Hamlet. An Artist's Interpretation of the Classic Text by William Shakespeare, 2008Santa Barbara, Simplemente Maria PressOne of twenty copies.$ 3,500.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyThe Tree Clock, 1990Belfast: The Linen Hall LibraryFirst edition, one of 750 copies.View more details
W.W. GregThe Variants in the First Quarto of 'King Lear.' A Bibliographical and Critical Inquiry, 1940 (for 1939)Oxford: Oxford University PressView more details
Oliver GoldsmithThe Vicar of Wakefield, (c. 1902)London: Henry Frowde$ 175.00View more details
A. E. van VogtThe War Against the Rull, 1959NY: Simon and SchusterFirst edition. Inscribed and signed by the author at the front endpaper.View more details
H. G. Wells; Edward Gorey (illus.)The War of the Worlds, 1960NY: Looking Glass Library$ 100.00View more details
Ferrante Pallavicino; Edward Gorey (illus.)The Whore's Rhetorick in Two Dialogues, 1961NY: Ivan Obolensky$ 50.00View more details
The Yale University Library Gazette. Vol. 13, No. 1. July 1938. A Conrad Memorial Library, 1938New Haven, CT: Yale University LibraryView more details
Ivan Howard (ed.); Edward Gorey (illus.)Things. Stories of Terror and Shock, 1964NY: Belmont BooksFirst paperback edition.$ 10.00View more details
Herman Melville, Richard KostelanetzThrice, 2009Brussels: Bartleby & Co.One of forty-four copies. Signed by Kostelanetz at his contribution.View more details
Philip K. DickTime Out of Joint, 1959Philadelphia and NY: LippincottFirst edition.$ 275.00View more details
Ely CulbertsonTotal Peace. What Makes Wars and How to Organize Peace, 1943Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co.Author's own copy, inscribed to him by Milo. J. Sutliff, who was director and executive vice president of Doubleday & Co. from 1936 to 1948. Also inscribed, a day prior, by the printer, H. C. Konther, who notes that this copy is the first off the press. The rear free endpaper shows a stop-press correction.$ 175.00View more details
Gustave Flaubert; Auguste Leroux (illus.)Un Coeur Simple, 1913Paris: Librairie des AmateursOne of 95 copies, hand-colored and with etchings in two states.$ 1,750.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyUncorrected proof copy of Wintering Out, 1972London: Faber and Faber$ 1,350.00View more details
Edward GoreyUncorrected proof for The Epiplectic Bicycle, 1997NY: Harcourt Brace$ 125.00View more details
J. K. RowlingUncorrected proofs for the first three books in the Harry Potter series, 1997, 1998, 1999London: Bloomsbury$ 67,500.00View more details
Henry David ThoreauWalden. A Talking Book, 1958St. Joseph, MI: Audio Book Company$ 200.00View more details
Anne Waldman; Joe Brainard (illus.)West Indies Poems, 1972New York: The Poetry Project, St. Mark's ChurchOne of twenty-six copies signed by Waldman and Brainard.$ 350.00View more details
Edith Sitwell, et al.Wheels 1919. Fourth Cycle, 1919Oxford: B. H. BlackwellFirst edition.$ 300.00View more details
A. A. MilneWhen I Was Very Young, 1930NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 842 copies. Signed by Milne at the colophon.$ 300.00View more details
Clare LeightonWhere Land Meets Sea. The Tide Line of Cape Cod, 1954NY: Rinehart and CompanyFirst edition. Signed by Leighton.$ 175.00View more details
Clare LeightonWhere Land Meets Sea. The Tide Line of Cape Cod, 1954NY: Rinehart and CompanyFirst edition, later printing. Inscribed by Leighton.$ 175.00View more details
George F. HoarWoman's Right and Public Welfare, 1869Boston: C. K. Whipple$ 375.00View more details
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