London: Dean and Son / W. Kent & Co.View more details
Arthur Szyk"Thumbelina", 1945Signed and dated by the artist.$ 4,500.00View more details
Oliviera CabralA Arte e a Máquina, 1945Lisbon: José Francisco de Oliveira$ 300.00View more details
Vincent TorreA Child's Book of Woodcuts, 1954(NY): Ink-Well PressOne of nineteen copies.$ 250.00View more details
William JoyceA Day with Wilbur Robinson, 1990NY: Harper & RowFirst edition. Inscribed by the author with a small drawing of an anthropomorphic flying saucer.$ 75.00View more details
William Cole (ed.); Lynn Munsinger (illus.)A Zooful of Animals, 1992Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Signed by the illustrator.$ 45.00View more details
ABC Alphabet Book, (1935)(Racine, WI): Whitman Publishing Co.$ 150.00View more details
F.H. AbbingABC over de tanden, 1931(Rotterdam): Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot bestrijding van het tandbederfView more details
Ramón SopenaAbecedario, (c. 1930)Barcelona: Provenza 95View more details
Alphabet des Metiers des Rues, (c. 1870)Épinal: Pellerin et Cie.$ 950.00View more details
Hans Stempel and Martin Ripkens; Heinz Edelmann (illus.)Andromedar SR1, 1971(NY): Harlin QuistFirst edition.$ 125.00View more details
Biblioteca de las Travesuras. Juegos Masculinos, (c. 1870)Paris and Mexico: Ch. Bouret$ 275.00View more details
Tomie dePaolaBig Anthony. His Story, 1998NY: G. P. Putnam's SonsFirst edition. Signed by dePaola at the title page.$ 50.00View more details
E. Tracey Archer; Dorothy E. Braham (illus.)Billy Boaster and His Motor, (c. 1920)London: Raphael Tuck & Sons$ 300.00View more details
Jill ShefrinBox of Delights: 600 Years of Children's Books, 1995Toronto: Toronto Public LibraryView more details
Carolyn S. Hodgman; A.B. Levering (illus.)Boyhood Days of George Washington, 1916Rochester, NY: Stecher Lith. Co.View more details
Phineas ThayerCasey at the Bat, 1912Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.First hardcover edition.$ 750.00View more details
Cobb's Toys, Third Series, No. 5. Stories about the Vulture, Dodo, Spoonbill, Pelican, Cormorant, and Goldfinch, 1835Erie, PA: O. Spafford$ 475.00View more details
Edmond Cuénod; Charles Emile Carlègle (illus.)Das Automobil 217-UU, 1907Munich: Hans von WeberEdmond Cuénod; Charles Emile Carlègle (illus.)View more details
Tomie dePaolaDays of the Blackbird. A Tale of Northern Italy, 1997NY: G. P. Putnam's SonsFirst edition. Signed by dePaola at the half title.$ 75.00View more details
Margarete Kallmeyer-MelhornDer Wunderknaul. The Wondrous Ball of Yarn, 1954Los Angeles: Costen Occasional PressView more details
(William Cowper)Diverting History of John Gilpin, (c. 1840)NY and Philadelphia: Turner & Fisher$ 400.00View more details
Käthe BerlEin Frohes Jahr, (1924)Leipzig: Ferdinand Hirt & SohnView more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoEl Raton Panchito Roe-Libros, 1957Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Elements of Conchology, on the Linnean System: Arranged in Question and Answer, 1828London: J. Mawe and Ackermann$ 3,850.00View more details
Encyclopedie des Enfants, (c. 1850)Paris: H. Duru$ 1,500.00View more details
Fairy Folk Misfitz, (c. 1910)London: C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Fairy Tales Misfitz, (c. 1920)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 175.00View more details
Verne AndersonFarmyard Fables, or, A Chicken Fête, (n.d.)Philadelphia and Minneapolis: Dargonet Press (i.e. Dagonet Press)One of sixteen copies. Signed by Anderson after the title page, and by the designer and printer, James Engelbart, at the colophon.View more details
Footsteps on the Road to Learning; or the Alphabet in Rhyme, 1849New Haven: S. Babcock$ 400.00View more details
Allen SayGrandfather's Journey, 1993Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator, and with an original drawing by him.$ 100.00View more details
Mary Belson ElliotGrateful Tributes; or, Recollections of Infancy, 1813London: W. Darton$ 1,250.00View more details
Erna HaasHanselima, 1920Bern & Biel, Switzerland: Ernst KuhnFirst issueView more details
Mary Martha SherwoodHome, 1833New Haven: S. Babcock$ 375.00View more details
Indian Anecdotes, (1850)Concord, NH: Rufus Merrill$ 150.00View more details
Isaac WattsInfant Hymns: Designed for Young Children, (1840)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine; Hudson Talbott (illus.)Into the Woods, 1988NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by the illustrator.$ 275.00View more details
Israeli Painters' Playroom Pictures, (c. 1950)Tel Aviv: Lion the PrinterView more details
John and Ann, (c. 1840s)Cincinnati: William T. Truman$ 250.00View more details
Gohachi YamanouchiJou Jou, 1918Tokyo: Unsoudo$ 1,250.00View more details
Samuil Marshak; Vladimir Vasil'evich LebedevKak Rubanok Sdelal Rubanok : Skazka [How a Plane Made a Plane : A Fairy Tale], 1927Lenningrad: RadugaView more details
Kings and Queens of England Misfitz, (c. 1910)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 175.00View more details
Yoshisuke KurosakiKodomo No Matsuri [Children's Festival], 1949Tokyo: Bunka Kensetsusha$ 650.00View more details
L'Autoroute / The Funny Road, (1952)(France): Edmond Dujardin$ 300.00View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoLa Picara Sabelotodo, 1956Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Le Casse Tête-Persan. Kopfzerbrecher. Anchor Puzzle, (1900)Leipzig and New York: F. Ad. Richter & Cie.Third edition, stated.$ 225.00View more details
Henry-René D'allemagneLe Noble Jeu de L'oie en France, de 1640 à 1950 / La Vie Quotidienne a Paris de 1820 à 1824, 1950Paris: Librairie GründOne of 700 pages.View more details
Little Lucy; or the Pleasant Day. An Example for Little Girls, 1840New Haven, CT: S. Babcock$ 150.00View more details
W. Kemp (Maria Adelaide Marsh)Little Maids, 1876London: Griffith & FarranView more details
Lydia L. VeryLittle Red Riding Hood, 1863Boston, Louis Prang & Co.$ 300.00View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoMaravillas de un Colmenar, 1954Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Sarah L. Moore; Harry Webster (illus.); Helen Nichols (illus.)Merry Jingles: A Book for the Little Ones, 1901NY: Zimmerman'sView more details
Montage of a military camp, (c. 1860)(Paris): Chez Guérin-Muller et Ce.$ 850.00View more details
Louis Wain; Clifton BinghamMore Jingles, Jokes, and Funny Folks, (c. 1950)NY: McLoughlin Bros.View more details
Fred C. KellyMy Father, Santa Claus, and Me, 1958Bathesda, MD: John S. MayfieldOne of 100 copies, signed at the colophon by the author.View more details
Neddy Bray A. B. C., (c. 1905)London: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Co.$ 150.00View more details
Joel Chandler HarrisNights with Uncle Remus: Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation, 1883Boston: James R. Osgood and CompanyFirst edition.$ 300.00View more details
A. A. MilneNow We Are Six, 1927London: Methuen & Co.First edition.$ 650.00View more details
Nursery Rhymes Misfitz, (c. 1910)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 350.00View more details
E. T. A. Hoffmann; Maurice Sendak (illus.)Nutcracker, 1984NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by Sendak.$ 150.00View more details
Will GibbonsOld Friends with New Faces, (c. 1888)NY: E. & J. B. Young & Co.View more details
Beatrice Beard GroverOriginal concept illustration for the cover of Broad Stripes and Bright Stars, 1941Signed and dated by Grover, with additional caption and initials in pencil at reverse.$ 750.00View more details
W. H. I. BleekReynard the Fox in South Africa; or, Hottentot Fables and Tales, 1864London: Trübner and Co.$ 300.00View more details
Sendak and Blake Illustrating Songs of Innocence, 2018NY: Battledore Ltd. and Society of IllustratorsView more details
Katharine G. BuffumSilhouettes to Cut in School, 1914Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Company$ 125.00View more details
Gleeson WhiteSpecial Winter Number of the International Studio: Children's Books and Their Illustrators, 1897NY: John LaneSignature of former owner at upper cover.View more details
Spiashchaia Tsarevna [The Sleeping Princess], (c. 1880)Leipzig: Pavla RiubeView more details
The Balloon; and The Good Boy Rewarded, 1850Providence, RI: Weeden & Peek$ 375.00View more details
The Birds of America, (c. 1855)NY: Clark, Austin & Smith$ 300.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Black Doll, (c. 2012)Olympia, WA: Necessaries Toy Foundation$ 50.00View more details
The Child's Best Guide to Learning; or, Reading Made Completely Easy, 1826London: J. and C. Evans$ 650.00View more details
The Child's Own Story Book. Or Simple Tales, (1825)New Haven, CT: S. Babcock$ 250.00View more details
The Children in the Wood; Or, the Norfolk Gentleman's Last Will and Testament, 1818London: J. Harris$ 2,250.00View more details
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Glenna Lang (illus.)The Children's Hour, 1993Boston: David GodineFirst edition. Inscribed by the illustrator.$ 50.00View more details
The Childs Own Alphabet, (c. 1860)London: Low & Son$ 650.00View more details
Bruno MunariThe Circus in the Mist, 1996NY: The World Publishing CompanyFirst American edition.$ 125.00View more details
The Daisy; or Little Lessons for Little Learners, 1844New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 175.00View more details
The Destructive Consequences of Dissipation and Luxury, 1836NY: Mahlon Day$ 350.00View more details
Beatrix PotterThe Fairy Caravan, 1929Philadelphia: David McKay Company$ 1,350.00View more details
The Girl and Her Pets and Other Stories, (1865)NY: Leavitt & Allen$ 375.00View more details
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