Lydia Maria ChildThe Golden Ball; and Other Stories, 1852Philadelphia: Hayes & Zell$ 300.00View more details
Emmett E. Giltner and Margaret SpahrThe Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation, 1931NY: Charles E. Merrill Co.$ 100.00View more details
M.P. (a.k.a. Dorothy Kilner)The Histories of More Children than One; or, Goodness Better than Beauty, (c. 1791)London: John Marshall and Co.$ 5,000.00View more details
A. A. MilneThe Ivory Door. A Legend in a Prologue & Three Acts, 1929London: Chatto & WindusFirst edition. Signed by Milne at title page.$ 350.00View more details
J. D. Strong (ed.)The Lame Beggar, and Other Stories, (1870)Boston: D. Lothrop and Company$ 200.00View more details
The Little Fisherman, (1835)NY: Mahlon Day$ 325.00View more details
The Little Sisters; or Emma and Caroline, (1842)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
The Mother's Primer, 1851Louisville, KY: John P. Morton & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Tommy TripThe Natural History of Four Footed Beasts, 1802Hudson, NY: Ashbel Stoddard$ 500.00View more details
Steig, Jeanne; William Steig (illus.)The Old Testament Made Easy, 1990NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition, signed by both Jeanne and William Steig.$ 75.00View more details
Andrew F. Underhill; Katherine Sturges (illus.)The Rhymes of Goochy Goggles and His Pollywog Named "Woggles", 1926Springfield, MA: McLoughlin Bros.One of one thousand copies of the "limited autograph edition," and thusly signed by the author.View more details
A. A. MilneThe Secret and Other Stories, 1929NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 742 copies of the first edition. Signed by Milne.$ 300.00View more details
The Seven Wonders of the World; And Other Magnificent Buildings, 1822NY: Samuel Wood & Sons$ 300.00View more details
Emily WoodwardThe Treasure. A Retelling of a Russian Folk Tale, 1983San Anselmo, CA: Private Press of Emily WoodwardOne of twenty-six deluxe copies bound in boards, signed by the artist.$ 250.00View more details
Eric von SchmidtThe Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn, 1964Cambridge, MA: Riverside PressFirst edition. First edition. Signed by Eric von Schmidt, paired with an original pen-and-ink drawing of the story's be-hatted crow from page twenty.View more details
Jewgenij Tscharuschin; Katharina Holz (trans.)Tierkinder (Animal Babies), (1953)Berlin; Alfred HolzFirst German edition.View more details
Tom Thumb's Picture Alphabet; in Rhyme, (c. 1860)NY: Kiggins & Kellogg$ 150.00View more details
Ilse Lose; Júlio Resende (illus)Um Fidalgo de Pernas Curtas, 1958Porto: Edições MarânusInscribed by Losa on title page to noted Portuguese journalist, Acúrsio Pereira, and dated "1 Dez(embro) 1957."View more details
George LambertUnrecorded Misfitz card set, (c. 1905)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Nancy Ekholm BurkertValentine & Orson, 1989NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator at the half title.$ 65.00View more details
H. De Vaujany; Moustapha-Bey Radouan (ed.)Vocabulaire Français-Arabe (Dialecte Vulgaire de l'Egypte), 1884Le Caire: Imprimerie Nationale de BoulaqSecond edition.View more details
A. A. MilneWhen I Was Very Young, 1930NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 842 copies. Signed by Milne at the colophon.$ 300.00View more details
A. A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh, 1926London: Methuen & Co.First edition in first issue dust wrapper.$ 2,500.00View more details
Ye Primer: A Rhyme Book on Ye Letter of Ye Alphabet, Containing Also Certain Short Truths, (1902)NY: B.F. Goodrich Co.View more details
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