The Mother's Primer, 1851
Louisville, KY: John P. Morton & Co.
24mo. 24pp. An uncommon imprint that expands the historical sense of America's first century of printing as a nation. Primers like this were usually produced in New England, and this...
24mo. 24pp. An uncommon imprint that expands the historical sense of America's first century of printing as a nation. Primers like this were usually produced in New England, and this edition borrows images from those northern printers - see especially Lesson 12, where a child finds himself at a waypost point toward Salem and Boston. The instruction follows a didactic progression usual to the genre, introducing the young reader first the alphabet, then increasingly complex syllables, and concluding with short narratives comprised of full sentences. Of these, the most compelling tells of the foibles of a pyromaniacal boy. Bound in self-wrappers with tender tears at spine and some chipping and two small tears to covers, but a bright interior. VG+. Only five copies recorded in OCLC.