Ye Primer: A Rhyme Book on Ye Letter of Ye Alphabet, Containing Also Certain Short Truths, (1902)
NY: B.F. Goodrich Co.
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Small quarto. (28)pp. An alphabet, fully illustrated in black, white, and orange, that doubles as an advertising pamphlet for Palmer Tires. Each letter has an illustration, followed by a rhyme...
Small quarto. (28)pp. An alphabet, fully illustrated in black, white, and orange, that doubles as an advertising pamphlet for Palmer Tires. Each letter has an illustration, followed by a rhyme and a short promotional statement. For example, "A is for Ape / A dissatisfied Monk / If he rode Palmer Tires / he'd have much more spunk. Palmer Tires give satisfaction" and "Z - the last letter / of all the long string / So we close by repeating / the very same thing. From first to last Palmer Tires are the best." The alphabet is followed by a list of available tires and an additional advertisement for the Jiffy Repair Tool, which comes with every pair. Bound in original printed paper wrappers showing minor edgewear, else a fine copy of a fascinating and scarce advertising piece.