George F. Hoar
Woman's Right and Public Welfare, 1869
Boston: C. K. Whipple
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16mo. 16, (3)pp. Number 6 in the series of Woman's Suffrage Tracts produced by The New-England Woman's Suffrage Association, the Constitution and officers for which are listed at the rear...
16mo. 16, (3)pp. Number 6 in the series of Woman's Suffrage Tracts produced by The New-England Woman's Suffrage Association, the Constitution and officers for which are listed at the rear of the pamphlet. Among the members of note are Julia Ward Howe (president), William Lloyd Garrison, Louisa May Alcott, and the printer of the pamphlet, C. K. Whipple. Hoar addresses a Joint Special Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, asserting that women's suffrage is essential to domestic rectitude and public good. Bound in self-wrappers. Minimal wear, fine.