Shannon Struble is a native Michigander, who moved to Boston in 2007. That year, she began as a part-time worker at Bromer Booksellers, maintaining the website and designing catalogues, both electronic and printed, while she attended graduate school at Simmons College (now University). Shannon graduated from Simmons in 2010 with a Master's Degree in Library Science, concentrating in Archives Management, and in 2012 with an MA in History. Before her migration to Boston, Shannon attended Smith College, working her last two summers as a cataloger at Oak Knoll Books in New Castle, DE, where she caught the bookselling bug. She became the full-time Office & Web Manager at Bromer in 2010, still maintaining the website and designing catalogues, but also keeping the shop running and acting as the first point of contact for inquiries. In 2024, Shannon partnered with Phil to start their bookselling firm Philip Salmon & Company Rare Books, where it is a great joy to work with the books she loves and experience new and exciting things every day.