Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, (c. 1900)London: William Clowes & Sons$ 650.00View more details
I Fioretti di S. Francesco di Assisi, 1922Chelsea: Ashendene PressOne of 240 copies.$ 2,250.00View more details
Indian Anecdotes, (1850)Concord, NH: Rufus Merrill$ 150.00View more details
Isaac WattsInfant Hymns: Designed for Young Children, (1840)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine; Hudson Talbott (illus.)Into the Woods, 1988NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by the illustrator.$ 275.00View more details
Israeli Painters' Playroom Pictures, (c. 1950)Tel Aviv: Lion the PrinterView more details
István OroszIstván Orosz: Etchings and Posters, 2000Kansas City: Grafik ArchiveOne of 300 copies.View more details
John and Ann, (c. 1840s)Cincinnati: William T. Truman$ 250.00View more details
Gohachi YamanouchiJou Jou, 1918Tokyo: Unsoudo$ 1,250.00View more details
Samuil Marshak; Vladimir Vasil'evich LebedevKak Rubanok Sdelal Rubanok : Skazka [How a Plane Made a Plane : A Fairy Tale], 1927Lenningrad: RadugaView more details
F. von LipperheideKatalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheide'schen Kostümbibliothek, 1963NY: Hacker Art BooksView more details
SzepKeep Your Left Hand High. Together with: In Search of Sacred Cows, 1969, 1970Boston: The Boston GlobeInscribed by Szep, "your favorite cartoonist," at the title page.View more details
Kings and Queens of England Misfitz, (c. 1910)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 175.00View more details
Yoshisuke KurosakiKodomo No Matsuri [Children's Festival], 1949Tokyo: Bunka Kensetsusha$ 650.00View more details
L'Autoroute / The Funny Road, (1952)(France): Edmond Dujardin$ 300.00View more details
Robert Passeron; Michel Ciry (illus.)L'Oevre Grave de Michel Ciry, 1949-1954, 1968Paris: La Bibliotheque de ArtsOf an edition of 600 copies, this is one of 40 with two original engravings numbered signed by Ciry.View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoLa Picara Sabelotodo, 1956Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Dard HunterLaid and Wove, 1923Washington: Government Printing Office$ 250.00View more details
Jan KochanowskiLaments, 1995London, Boston: Faber and FaberFirst editionView more details
Algernon Charles SwinburneLaus Veneris, 1948London: Golden Cockerel PressOne of 750 copies.$ 300.00View more details
Le Casse Tête-Persan. Kopfzerbrecher. Anchor Puzzle, (1900)Leipzig and New York: F. Ad. Richter & Cie.Third edition, stated.$ 225.00View more details
Henry-René D'allemagneLe Noble Jeu de L'oie en France, de 1640 à 1950 / La Vie Quotidienne a Paris de 1820 à 1824, 1950Paris: Librairie GründOne of 700 pages.View more details
Pablo PicassoLes Chants des Morts by Pierre Reverdy, 1948Paris: Tériade for Éditions VerveOne of 250 copies. Signed by Picasso and Reverdy.$ 30,000.00View more details
Emile Verhaeren; Lucien Pissarro (illus.)Les Petits Vieux, 1901London: Eragny PressOne of 230 copies, of which 200 were for sale.$ 1,500.00View more details
Edward GoreyLet's Kill Uncle, 1964London: LongmansFirst British edition.$ 150.00View more details
William StyronLie Down in Darkness, 1951NY: Bobbs-Merrill CompanyFirst edition.$ 300.00View more details
Edward GoreyLight Metres, 1982NY: Everest HouseOne of 350 copies. Signed by the author, Felicia Lamport, and by Gorey.$ 325.00View more details
John SwarbrickList of Wharfedale Flies, 2009Upper Denby, Hudderfield: Fleece PressOne of 260 copies.$ 125.00View more details
Little Lucy; or the Pleasant Day. An Example for Little Girls, 1840New Haven, CT: S. Babcock$ 150.00View more details
W. Kemp (Maria Adelaide Marsh)Little Maids, 1876London: Griffith & FarranView more details
Lydia L. VeryLittle Red Riding Hood, 1863Boston, Louis Prang & Co.$ 300.00View more details
Edward GoreyLost Shoelaces poster and button, 1987Woods Hole, MASigned by Gorey.$ 350.00View more details
Emily Banis Stoehrer; Frederic A. SharfLouis Féron: Master Jeweler, 1901-1998, 2012(N.P.): Frederic A. SharfView more details
Robin Flower (trans.)Love's Bitter-Sweet: Translations from the Irish Poets of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1925Dublin: The Cuala PressOne of 500 copies.$ 200.00View more details
Maharajahs & Mughal Significance, 2019NY:Christie'sView more details
David Pankow (ed.)Manuale Calligraphicum. Examples of Calligraphy by Students of Hermann Zapf at RIT, 2016Rochester, NY: Cary Graphic Arts CollectionOne of 325 copies. Signed by the editor, David Pankow, and by Steven Galbraith, curator of the Cary Graphic Arts Collection, who penned the Foreword.View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoMaravillas de un Colmenar, 1954Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Fritz Kredel (illus.)Medieval Latin Lyrics, 1971Boston: David GodineOf an edition of 1200, this is one of fifty deluxe copies signed by the illustrator. This copy unlettered and apparently uniquely bound.$ 300.00View more details
Henry JonesMerit. A Poem, 1753London: R. and J. DodsleyFirst edition.$ 950.00View more details
Sarah L. Moore; Harry Webster (illus.); Helen Nichols (illus.)Merry Jingles: A Book for the Little Ones, 1901NY: Zimmerman'sView more details
Narcís ComadiraMicroclima, 2016Barcelona: Elies PlanaOne of 112 copies, with title signed by the artist at the colophon.$ 300.00View more details
Thomas Hood; Reginald Savage (illus.)Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg: A Golden Legend, 1904Campden, Gloucestershire: Essex House PressOne of 200 copies. With an original engraving.$ 1,250.00View more details
Montage of a military camp, (c. 1860)(Paris): Chez Guérin-Muller et Ce.$ 850.00View more details
Louis Wain; Clifton BinghamMore Jingles, Jokes, and Funny Folks, (c. 1950)NY: McLoughlin Bros.View more details
Adrian WilsonMore Printing for Theater. A Portfolio of Ephemera, 1987San Francisco: James LindenOne of 60 copies. Signed by Wilson and by Joyce Lancaster, the co-author.$ 950.00View more details
Aubrey SchwartzMothers and Children, 1958NY: Aubrey SchwartzFirst edition, limited to 60 copies signed by the artist. This copy bears a presentation inscription on the colophon page to Ben Shahn and his wife, Bernarda Bryson Shahn.View more details
Christopher Whitfield; Dorothea Braby (illus.)Mr. Chambers and Persephone, 1937London: Golden Cockerel PressOne of 150 copies. Signed by the author.$ 200.00View more details
John William Corrington; Charles Bukowski; Ann Parisi (illus.)Mr. Clean and Other Poems, 1964San Francisco: Amber House PressFirst edition.View more details
Fred C. KellyMy Father, Santa Claus, and Me, 1958Bathesda, MD: John S. MayfieldOne of 100 copies, signed at the colophon by the author.View more details
Myatt ladies' razor, (c. 1930s)(Birmingham: W. J. Myatt & Co.)$ 95.00View more details
Neddy Bray A. B. C., (c. 1905)London: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Co.$ 150.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyNew Selected Poems 1966-1987, 1990London: Faber & FaberFirst edition.View more details
Nathaniel MortonNew-Englands Memoriall, 1903Boston: Club of Odd VolumesOne of 150 copies.
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Joel Chandler HarrisNights with Uncle Remus: Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation, 1883Boston: James R. Osgood and CompanyFirst edition.$ 300.00View more details
Nine pieces of propaganda (omoshirogara) fabric, (c. 1940)(Japan)$ 1,750.00View more details
Daniel HeymanNine portraits of Iraqis, 2006Each is one of thirty copies. All signed and dated by the artist.$ 1,100.00View more details
Galeri Universelle des Prestidigitateurs Amateurs et ProfessionelsNos Tours Favoris, (1912)Lyon: A. DriouxView more details
Willa CatherNot Under Forty, 1936NY: KnopfOne of 333 copies, this the printer's copy. Signed by Cather.$ 400.00View more details
A. A. MilneNow We Are Six, 1927London: Methuen & Co.First edition.$ 650.00View more details
Nursery Rhymes Misfitz, (c. 1910)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 350.00View more details
E. T. A. Hoffmann; Maurice Sendak (illus.)Nutcracker, 1984NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by Sendak.$ 150.00View more details
Peter MalutzkiObwohl nichts wagte ist nichts gewonnen [Although nothing ventured nothing is won], 2014Flörsheim: Peter MalutzkiOne of twenty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 600.00View more details
John Keats; J.R. Wilock (trans.); Raúl Veroni (illus.)Odes / Odas, 1958Buenos Aires: Colomborom an edition of 52 copies, this is one of thirty-two copies printed on Ingres. First illustration signed in pencil by the artist.View more details
William MorrisOf the Friendship of Amis and Amile, 1894Hammersmith: Kelmscott PressOne of 500 copies. Bound by Julia Wightman.$ 5,500.00View more details
Thomas À KempisOf the Imitation of Christ. Four Books by Thomas À Kempis, (c. 1895)Oxford/London: Oxford University Press/ Henry Frowde$ 375.00View more details
Will GibbonsOld Friends with New Faces, (c. 1888)NY: E. & J. B. Young & Co.View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)On Human Rights, 1963Bronxville, NY: Privately printedOne of fifty copies.$ 350.00View more details
John UpdikeOn Meeting Authors, 1968Newburyport, MA: Wickford PressFirst separate edition.View more details
Beatrice Beard GroverOriginal concept illustration for the cover of Broad Stripes and Bright Stars, 1941Signed and dated by Grover, with additional caption and initials in pencil at reverse.$ 750.00View more details
Louis John RheadOriginal illustration artwork for an edition of Robinson Crusoe, with later proofs for recycled use as a program, (1900 and 1982)(n.p.); (NY): Holy Land Conservation FundView more details
Eric GillOriginal preparatory artwork for The Four Gospels , (c. 1931)$ 6,000.00View more details
Graham GreeneOur Man in Havana, 1958London: HeinemannFirst edition.View more details
Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-PierrePaul et Virginie, 1816Paris: Deterville$ 200.00View more details
C. R. Ashbee (ed.); Reginald Savage (illus.)Peckover. The Abbotscourt Papers, 1932London: Astolat PressOne of 350 copies.$ 125.00View more details
J. K. RowlingPegasus, Issue 41, 1998Exeter, UK: University of Exeter$ 1,250.00View more details
Julie ChenPersonal Paradigms. A Game of Human Experience, 2003Berkeley, CA: Flying Fish PressOne of 100 copies. Signed by the artist.$ 5,500.00View more details
Albert GiraudPierrot Lunaire, 2007Westminster Station, VT: Bridge PressOne of twenty-one copies. Signed by the illustrator and translator, Brian D. Cohen.$ 1,250.00View more details
Nancy Willard; The Dillons (illus.)Pish, Posh, Said Hieronymus Bosch, 1991NY: Harcourt Brace JovanovichFirst edition. Signed by the author and the illustrators, Diane, Leo, and Lee Dillon.$ 75.00View more details
David EsslemontPizza from Scratch, 2017Decorah, IA: Solmentes PressFrom an edition of forty copies, this is one of five deluxe copies. Signed by artist at colophon.View more details
e. e. cummingsPoem 52 from 73 Poems (1963), 1981(Columbus, OH): Logan Elm Press$ 150.00View more details
of 6