Cobb's Toys, Third Series, No. 5. Stories about the Vulture, Dodo, Spoonbill, Pelican, Cormorant, and Goldfinch, 1835Erie, PA: O. Spafford$ 475.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.Coffee Makes You Black, (c. 2005)Gordo, AL: Kennedy PrintsSigned by Kennedy.$ 250.00View more details
Robert FrostCollected Poems, 1939NY: Henry Holt and CompanyFirst edition. Signed by Frost.$ 1,850.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.Community Cannot Long Feed on Itself, 2019(Baltimore): Maryland Institute College of Art$ 250.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)Con Amore: Valenti Angelo. A Bibliography 1971-1982, (1992)San Francisco: Linden EditionsOne of twelve deluxe copies in half-morocco, with suite of examples from Angelo's press and additional material due to a subscriber copy. Signed by the compilers.$ 1,500.00View more details
Barry LopezCoyote Love, 1989Portland, ME: Coyote Love PressOne of 99 copies, signed by the printer and by the illustrator.$ 350.00View more details
Craft Paper Sample Book, 1912Chicago: Banghart & Fischer Craft MaterialsView more details
Gordon N. MurrayCrimes of Silence, 2004NYOne of twenty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 7,500.00View more details
Hal ClementCycle of Fire, 1957NY: Ballantine BooksFirst edition.$ 500.00View more details
Bob BarisDahlias, 1992Shaker Heights: Wind & Harlot PressOne of 62 copies.$ 150.00View more details
LongusDaphnis and Chloe, 1904New Rochelle, NY: Elston PressOne of 160 copies.$ 650.00View more details
Edmond Cuénod; Charles Emile Carlègle (illus.)Das Automobil 217-UU, 1907Munich: Hans von WeberEdmond Cuénod; Charles Emile Carlègle (illus.)View more details
Friedrich von Schiller; Rudolf Koch (illus.)Das Lied von der Glocke, 1919/1922Offenbach am Main: Wilh. GerstungOne of 100 copies.$ 1,250.00View more details
Tomie dePaolaDays of the Blackbird. A Tale of Northern Italy, 1997NY: G. P. Putnam's SonsFirst edition. Signed by dePaola at the half title.$ 75.00View more details
Francisco X. Alarcón; Ray Rice (illus.)De Amor Oscuro / Of Dark Love, (1991)Santa Cruz, CA: Moving Parts PressOne of 70 copies. Signed by Alarcón.$ 650.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyDeath of a Naturalist, 1966NY: Oxford University PressFirst American edition. One of 1,000 copies.View more details
Susan LowdermilkDeclaration of Sentiments, 2023(N.p.): Plain Wrapper Press ReduxOne of 100 copies. Signed by the artist, Susan Lowdermilk, and by Lisa Tetrault, who contributed the Introduction.$ 400.00View more details
Margarete Kallmeyer-MelhornDer Wunderknaul. The Wondrous Ball of Yarn, 1954Los Angeles: Costen Occasional PressView more details
Leos Janacek; Seamus Heaney (trans.)Diary of One Who Vanished, 1999London: Faber & FaberFirst British and American editions. Uncorrected proof of American edition.View more details
Die Blümlein des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, 1911Leipzig: Insel-VerlagThe only copy hand-colored and hand-illuminated.$ 1,500.00View more details
Ann BeattieDistortions, 1976Garden City, NY: Doubleday & CompanyFirst edition. Signed by Beattie.$ 200.00View more details
(William Cowper)Diverting History of John Gilpin, (c. 1840)NY and Philadelphia: Turner & Fisher$ 400.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyDoor Into the Dark, (1969)London: Faber & FaberFirst edition.$ 350.00View more details
George OrwellDown and Out in Paris and London, 1933NY: Harper & BrothersFirst American edition.$ 5,000.00View more details
Robert BrowningDramatis Personae, 1910Hammersmith: Doves PressOne of 250 copies.$ 1,350.00View more details
Stratis Haviaras; Jocelyn Sarah Webb (illus.)Duty-Free Desiderata, 2000Aurora, NY: Sierras PressOne of thirty copies, signed by both the poet and the artist.$ 950.00View more details
Lance HidyEarly Moon(n.p.)One of fifty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 375.00View more details
Martin Chapman; Amin JafferEast Meets West: Jewels of the Maharajas from The Al Thani Collection, 2018Munich, London & NY: Delmonico Books/PrestelView more details
John SteinbeckEast of Eden, 1952NY: Viking Press$ 650.00View more details
Marcia PallyEat and Die. Friss oder Stirb. Infants in the Field of War, 2013Brussels: Bartleby & Co.One of thirty copies. Signed by the publisher, Thorsten Baensch.$ 150.00View more details
Tim EngellandEating Pig: After Charles Lamb's Dissertation on a Roast Pig, 1983Dublin: Gallery PressOne of fifty copies.View more details
Julian SchwarzEight Cycling Sibyls, 1995(Llandogo): Old Stile PressOne of 240 copies. Signed by the artist.$ 125.00View more details
Käthe BerlEin Frohes Jahr, (1924)Leipzig: Ferdinand Hirt & SohnView more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoEl Raton Panchito Roe-Libros, 1957Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyElectric Light, 2001London: Faber and FaberFirst edition.$ 100.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyElectric Light. With uncorrected proof, 2001NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst American edition.$ 100.00View more details
Elements of Conchology, on the Linnean System: Arranged in Question and Answer, 1828London: J. Mawe and Ackermann$ 3,850.00View more details
Théophile GautierÉmaux et Camées, 1900Paris: Petite bibliothèque Charpentier$ 350.00View more details
Encyclopedie des Enfants, (c. 1850)Paris: H. Duru$ 1,500.00View more details
Lincoln CushingEnd Apartheid, 1985Oakland, CA: Inkworks$ 200.00View more details
John KeatsEndymion, 1902New Rochelle, NY: Elston PressOne of 160 copies$ 850.00View more details
Carol HeimburgEtched Portraits of Ernest Hemingway, 1961(Northampton, MA): Apiary PressOne of fifty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 750.00View more details
Etrennes Mignones, Curieuses et Utiles, avec Plusieurs Augmentations et Corrections, 1762Paris, Chez Durand$ 975.00View more details
Fairy Folk Misfitz, (c. 1910)London: C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Fairy Tales Misfitz, (c. 1920)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 175.00View more details
Edward GoreyFall/Winter 1976 Edward Gorey Priced Order List, 1976NY: Gotham Book Mart & GalleryInscribed on the front cover by Gorey to William Targ.$ 300.00View more details
D. H. LawrenceFantasia of the Unconscious, 1922NY: Thomas SeltzerFirst edition.$ 175.00View more details
Verne AndersonFarmyard Fables, or, A Chicken Fête, (n.d.)Philadelphia and Minneapolis: Dargonet Press (i.e. Dagonet Press)One of sixteen copies. Signed by Anderson after the title page, and by the designer and printer, James Engelbart, at the colophon.View more details
Seamus HeaneyFinders Keepers, 2002London: Faber & FaberFirst British and American editions. Uncorrected proof.View more details
C. David ThomasFinding Parkinson's. Doing Battle with My Brain, 2024Wellesley, MA: C. David ThomasOne of twenty copies. Signed by the artist and all contributors.$ 1,800.00View more details
Kara LackFlash Card Word Clouds, 2015London: Zittern PressOne of nineteen copies.$ 650.00View more details
Footsteps on the Road to Learning; or the Alphabet in Rhyme, 1849New Haven: S. Babcock$ 400.00View more details
Nancy R. SmithFor Every Girl Who Is Tired..., (n.d.)Olympia, WA: CrimethInc$ 10.00View more details
Edward GoreyFour Mohonk Mountain House Brochures, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1988New Paltz, NYAll four are signed by Gorey.$ 425.00View more details
Mary ShelleyFrankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, 1823London: G. and W. B. WhittakerSecond edition in English.$ 90,000.00View more details
John M. TaylorFrom the White House Inkwell: American Presidential Autographs, 1968Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle CompanyView more details
Game of D.W. Griffith's "One Exciting Night", (c. 1922)(N.p.)$ 275.00View more details
Dave WoodGhazals, 2010Pomona, Qld., Australia: D. J. Harwood & AssociatesOne of fifty copies.$ 650.00View more details
Clare LeightonGive Us This Day, 1943NY: Reynal & HitchcockSigned by Leighton.View more details
Ingeborg GudeGlimt i Mørke [Glimpses in the Dark]. Teninger fra 1944, 1945Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard)First edition.$ 1,750.00View more details
R. L. DioneGod Drives a Flying Saucer. A Totally New and Revolutionary Concept of UFO's, Their Existence and Their Meaning, 1969NY: Exposition PressFirst edition.$ 75.00View more details
Peter and Donna ThomasGoodbye Bonita Lagoon: A Papermaker's Elegy, 2023Santa Cruz: Peter & Donna ThomasOne of thirty copies, signed by the Thomases at the colophon.$ 1,500.00View more details
Allen SayGrandfather's Journey, 1993Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator, and with an original drawing by him.$ 100.00View more details
Alfons FiedlerGraphik Vergleichs-Sammlung, 1978Vienna: (N.p.)Second enlarged edition.View more details
Mary Belson ElliotGrateful Tributes; or, Recollections of Infancy, 1813London: W. Darton$ 1,250.00View more details
Karl KreuzerGürtelschliessen des Jugendstils, 1990Munich: PrestelView more details
Halcyon. Driemaandelijksch Tijdschrift voor Boek-, Druk- en Prentkunst. A Quarterly devoted to Book Production and the Graphic Arts, 1940-1942The Hague: A. A. M. StolsA complete run.$ 7,500.00View more details
William Shakespeare; Carl Otto Czeschka (illus.)Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Act 3, Scene 1, 1927Hamburg: Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen$ 600.00View more details
Erna HaasHanselima, 1920Bern & Biel, Switzerland: Ernst KuhnFirst issueView more details
Peter TaylorHappy Families Are All Alike, 1959NY: McDowell ObolenskyFirst edition. Inscribed to Jean Stafford and her third husband, New Yorker writer A. J. Liebling.$ 400.00View more details
J. K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 1997London: BloomsburyFirst edition.$ 18,500.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.He She Me, (c. 2005)York, AL: York Show Print$ 250.00View more details
George MooreHéloïse and Abélard, 1921London: Cumann Sean-eolais na hEireannOne of 1,500 copies. Signed by Moore.$ 375.00View more details
Judy BlumeHere's to You, Rachel Robinson, 1993NY: Orchard BooksFirst edition. Inscribed by Blume.$ 100.00View more details
Mary Martha SherwoodHome, 1833New Haven: S. Babcock$ 375.00View more details
Richard LlewellynHow Green Was My Valley, 19369London: Michael JosephFirst edition. Signed by the author.$ 950.00View more details
Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, (c. 1900)London: William Clowes & Sons$ 650.00View more details
I Fioretti di S. Francesco di Assisi, 1922Chelsea: Ashendene PressOne of 240 copies.$ 2,250.00View more details
Indian Anecdotes, (1850)Concord, NH: Rufus Merrill$ 150.00View more details
Isaac WattsInfant Hymns: Designed for Young Children, (1840)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
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