The Girl and Her Pets and Other Stories, (1865)NY: Leavitt & Allen$ 375.00View more details
Lydia Maria ChildThe Golden Ball; and Other Stories, 1852Philadelphia: Hayes & Zell$ 300.00View more details
John SteinbeckThe Grapes of Wrath, 1939NY: Viking Press$ 3,500.00View more details
The Great World's Fairs and Expositions, 1986Miami, FL: Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection of Decorative and Propaganda ArtsView more details
Deborah Scott (ed.)The Grosvenor House Art & Antiques Fair, 11-17 June 2009, Handbook, 2009(N.p.): The National Magazine CompanyView more details
Emmett E. Giltner and Margaret SpahrThe Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation, 1931NY: Charles E. Merrill Co.$ 100.00View more details
William FaulknerThe Hamlet, 1940NY: Random HouseFirst edition.View more details
Edward GoreyThe Haunted Tea-Cosy: A Dispirited and Distasteful Diversion for Christmas, 1997NY: Harcourt BraceOne of 500 numbered copies, signed by Gorey.$ 250.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium, 1999NY: Harcourt BraceProof copy.$ 275.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium, 1999NY: Harcourt BraceOne of 750 copies, signed by Gorey.$ 350.00View more details
M.P. (a.k.a. Dorothy Kilner)The Histories of More Children than One; or, Goodness Better than Beauty, (c. 1791)London: John Marshall and Co.$ 5,000.00View more details
Charles L. NicholsThe Holy Bible in Verse, 1926Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian SocietyView more details
A. A. MilneThe Ivory Door. A Legend in a Prologue & Three Acts, 1929London: Chatto & WindusFirst edition. Signed by Milne at title page.$ 350.00View more details
J. D. Strong (ed.)The Lame Beggar, and Other Stories, (1870)Boston: D. Lothrop and Company$ 200.00View more details
The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey, (c. 1830)NY: New-York Religious Tract Society$ 300.00View more details
The Little Fisherman, (1835)NY: Mahlon Day$ 325.00View more details
Frederick J. Hoffman; Charles Allen; Carolyn F. UlrichThe Little Magazine: A History and Bibliography, 1946Princeton, NJ: Princeton University PressView more details
Albrecht DürerThe Little Passion, 1971Verona: Officina BodoniOne of 140 copies.$ 1,000.00View more details
The Little Sisters; or Emma and Caroline, (1842)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
Charles Seymour Alden; Charles Wadsworth (illus.)The Long Sought Landscape, 1968Boston: Commonwealth SchoolOne of 700 copies. Inscribed by Wadsworth at front flyleaf.View more details
Tracey BushThe Lost Wings of Summer, 2024(Gosport, UK)One of thirty copies, signed by the artist at final leaf.$ 550.00View more details
Thomas MannThe Magic Mountain, 1927NY: KnopfFirst edition. One of 200 copies. Signed by Mann.$ 2,850.00View more details
Carson McCullersThe Member of the Wedding, 1946Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Inscribed to "Eddie and Dotty" by the author on an adhered label bearing the logo of the Riverside Press.View more details
Florence Rome Garrett; Elmer Garrett (illus.)The Mill and Us, 1978Bridgewater, CT: Flume PressOne of 450 copies.$ 25.00View more details
Mike Dorsa; Tom WarnerThe Monster in the Turtle's Den, 1977N.p.: Michael Mar PressOne of twelve copies, hand-produced by jewelry designer Michael Dorsa and bookbinder Margaret Rhein. This copy is inscribed in pencil to papermaker Douglas Howell: "The inspiration required to get this project together came from my meeting with you, Douglas Howell. Thank you, Michael Dorsa."View more details
The Mother's Primer, 1851Louisville, KY: John P. Morton & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Tommy TripThe Natural History of Four Footed Beasts, 1802Hudson, NY: Ashbel Stoddard$ 500.00View more details
Steig, Jeanne; William Steig (illus.)The Old Testament Made Easy, 1990NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition, signed by both Jeanne and William Steig.$ 75.00View more details
E. B. WhiteThe Points of My Compass, 1962NY: Harper & RowFirst edition. Inscribed by the author: "Jane and By / With love and a Merry / Christmas from Auntie K and Andy / N. Brooklin, Maine."View more details
Edward GoreyThe Prune People II, 1983NY: Albondocani PressOne of 400 copies, signed by Gorey.$ 325.00View more details
Walter HamadyThe Quartz Crystal History of Perry Township Since the Earliest Creation of Life, 1979Mt. Horeb, WI: Pinprick (Perishable Press)From an edition of 225, this is a proof copy, with "For Display" handwritten across the upper cover.$ 200.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyThe Redress of Poetry, 1995London: Faber & FaberView more details
William FaulknerThe Reivers. A Reminiscence, 1962NY: Random HouseOne of 500 copies of the first edition. Signed by Faulkner.$ 1,500.00View more details
Andrew F. Underhill; Katherine Sturges (illus.)The Rhymes of Goochy Goggles and His Pollywog Named "Woggles", 1926Springfield, MA: McLoughlin Bros.One of one thousand copies of the "limited autograph edition," and thusly signed by the author.View more details
William MorrisThe Roots of the Mountains, 1890London: Reeves & TurnerFirst edition. One of 250 copies on Whatman paper.$ 2,500.00View more details
Joseph ConradThe Rover, 1923Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & CompanyOne of 377 copies. Signed by Conrad.$ 1,250.00View more details
The Russian Avant Garde from the Collection of Ruth & Marvin Sackner. American Abstract Artists from the Collection of Patricia & Phillip Frost, 1983Miami, FL: Lowe Art Museum, University of MiamiView more details
A. A. MilneThe Secret and Other Stories, 1929NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 742 copies of the first edition. Signed by Milne.$ 300.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)The Sermon on the Mount, 1935NY: Golden Cross PressOne of 110 copies. Inscribed by Angelo at front free endpaper.$ 350.00View more details
The Seven Wonders of the World; And Other Magnificent Buildings, 1822NY: Samuel Wood & Sons$ 300.00View more details
Arthur J. GaskinThe Shephearde's Calendar: Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues, Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes, by Edmund Spenser., 1896Hammersmith: Kelmscott PressOne of 225 copies.$ 6,500.00View more details
W. H. AudenThe Shield of Achilles, 1955NY: Random HouseFirst edition.$ 150.00View more details
David HitchcockThe Social Monitor; or, A Series of Poems on Some of the Most Important and Interesting Subjects, 1812Stockbridge, MA: H. Willard$ 300.00View more details
John Greenleaf WhittierThe Stranger in Lowell, 1845Boston: Waite, Peirce and CompanyFirst edition. Accompanied by an ALS from Whittier's brother, dated September 3, 1845.$ 650.00View more details
The Suffolk Resolves 1774. Reproduced from the Columns of the Boston Gazette, 1976Boston: Society of PrintersOne of 200 copies.View more details
The Suffolk Resolves 1774: Reproduced from the Columns of the Boston GazetteView more details
The Thirty-Sixth Psalm, 1940Haddon Height, NJ: William Lewis WashburnOne of 64 copies.$ 450.00View more details
Stavnic IonutThe Torture, (n.d.)(N.p.)$ 350.00View more details
Mary HeebnerThe Tragic History of Hamlet. An Artist's Interpretation of the Classic Text by William Shakespeare, 2008Santa Barbara, Simplemente Maria PressOne of twenty copies.$ 3,500.00View more details
William ShakespeareThe Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke, 1909Hammersmith: Doves PressOne of 250 copies.$ 8,500.00View more details
Emily WoodwardThe Treasure. A Retelling of a Russian Folk Tale, 1983San Anselmo, CA: Private Press of Emily WoodwardOne of twenty-six deluxe copies bound in boards, signed by the artist.$ 250.00View more details
Seamus HeaneyThe Tree Clock, 1990Belfast: The Linen Hall LibraryFirst edition, one of 750 copies.View more details
W.W. GregThe Variants in the First Quarto of 'King Lear.' A Bibliographical and Critical Inquiry, 1940 (for 1939)Oxford: Oxford University PressView more details
Oliver GoldsmithThe Vicar of Wakefield, (c. 1902)London: Henry Frowde$ 175.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Vinegar Works: Three Volumes of Moral Instruction, 1963NY: Simon and SchusterFirst edition.$ 300.00View more details
A. E. van VogtThe War Against the Rull, 1959NY: Simon and SchusterFirst edition. Inscribed and signed by the author at the front endpaper.View more details
H. G. Wells; Edward Gorey (illus.)The War of the Worlds, 1960NY: Looking Glass Library$ 100.00View more details
Ferrante Pallavicino; Edward Gorey (illus.)The Whore's Rhetorick in Two Dialogues, 1961NY: Ivan Obolensky$ 50.00View more details
Gwenda MorganThe Wood-Engravings of Gwenda Morgan, 1985Herefordshire: Whittington PressOne of 335 copies, signed by the artist.$ 225.00View more details
Herluf BildstrupThe World Is in Your Hands, (1960)(N.p.): Peace and Socialism Publishers$ 325.00View more details
Samuel Putman; Paul Valery; Jean de BosschereThe World of Jean de Bosschère, (1922)(London): Fortune PressOne of 100 deluxe copies with a limited, signed color etching. Warmly inscribed by Jean de Bosschère, "with greetings of spiritual brotherhood."View more details
The Yale University Library Gazette. Vol. 13, No. 1. July 1938. A Conrad Memorial Library, 1938New Haven, CT: Yale University LibraryView more details
Eric von SchmidtThe Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn, 1964Cambridge, MA: Riverside PressFirst edition. First edition. Signed by Eric von Schmidt, paired with an original pen-and-ink drawing of the story's be-hatted crow from page twenty.View more details
Ivan Howard (ed.); Edward Gorey (illus.)Things. Stories of Terror and Shock, 1964NY: Belmont BooksFirst paperback edition.$ 10.00View more details
Edward GoreyThree copies of a postcard for the LBMA Arts Forum, 1976Long Beach: Long Beach Museum of Art$ 100.00View more details
Margo LockwoodThree Poems Written in Ireland, 1977Cambridge, MA: Menhaden PressOne of nineteen copies printed on Rives paper and bound in boards. Signed by Lockwood.$ 150.00View more details
Herman Melville, Richard KostelanetzThrice, 2009Brussels: Bartleby & Co.One of forty-four copies. Signed by Kostelanetz at his contribution.View more details
Jewgenij Tscharuschin; Katharina Holz (trans.)Tierkinder (Animal Babies), (1953)Berlin; Alfred HolzFirst German edition.View more details
Philip K. DickTime Out of Joint, 1959Philadelphia and NY: LippincottFirst edition.$ 275.00View more details
Dard HunterTLS to J. J. Lankes, 1932Chillicothe, OH$ 175.00View more details
Dard HunterTLS to J. J. Lankes, 1931Chillicothe, OH$ 250.00View more details
Leonard BaskinTo Colour Thought, 1967New Haven, CT: Yale UniversityOne of 300 copies.$ 175.00View more details
Laura DavidsonTo Open, 1991Boston: Laura DavidsonView more details
Tom Thumb's Picture Alphabet; in Rhyme, (c. 1860)NY: Kiggins & Kellogg$ 150.00View more details
Ely CulbertsonTotal Peace. What Makes Wars and How to Organize Peace, 1943Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co.Author's own copy, inscribed to him by Milo. J. Sutliff, who was director and executive vice president of Doubleday & Co. from 1936 to 1948. Also inscribed, a day prior, by the printer, H. C. Konther, who notes that this copy is the first off the press. The rear free endpaper shows a stop-press correction.$ 175.00View more details
Lance HidyTree, 1966One of eight copies. Signed by the artist.$ 350.00View more details
Mary McCarthyTribal Alphabet, 1998Boston: Mary McCarthyOne of twenty-six copies, signed by the artist.$ 450.00View more details
F. Scott Fitzgerald; Jill Karla Schwarz (illus.)Turkey Remains and How to Inter Them with Numerous Scarce Recipes, 1977(Nutley, N.J.): Gianettino & Meredith, Inc.From an edition of 275, this is one of fifty lettered copies in a cloth binding, signed by the artist, Jill Karla Schwarz.View more details
Glenway Wescott; Antonio Frasconi (illus.)Twelve Fables of Aesop, 1954NY: Museum of Modern ArtOne of 975 copies, signed by the artist, the author, and the printer.$ 200.00View more details
Edward GoreyTwo Novels: The Grand Passion and The Doleful Domesticity, 1992(N.p.): Fantod PressEach is one of 500 copies and signed by Gorey.$ 450.00View more details
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