Mary McCarthyTribal Alphabet, 1998Boston: Mary McCarthyOne of twenty-six copies, signed by the artist.$ 450.00View more details
F. Scott Fitzgerald; Jill Karla Schwarz (illus.)Turkey Remains and How to Inter Them with Numerous Scarce Recipes, 1977(Nutley, N.J.): Gianettino & Meredith, Inc.From an edition of 275, this is one of fifty lettered copies in a cloth binding, signed by the artist, Jill Karla Schwarz.View more details
Glenway Wescott; Antonio Frasconi (illus.)Twelve Fables of Aesop, 1954NY: Museum of Modern ArtOne of 975 copies, signed by the artist, the author, and the printer.$ 200.00View more details
Edward GoreyTwo Novels: The Grand Passion and The Doleful Domesticity, 1992(N.p.): Fantod PressEach is one of 500 copies and signed by Gorey.$ 450.00View more details
Ilse Lose; Júlio Resende (illus)Um Fidalgo de Pernas Curtas, 1958Porto: Edições MarânusInscribed by Losa on title page to noted Portuguese journalist, Acúrsio Pereira, and dated "1 Dez(embro) 1957."View more details
Seamus HeaneyUncorrected proof copy of Wintering Out, 1972London: Faber and Faber$ 1,350.00View more details
Edward GoreyUncorrected proof for The Epiplectic Bicycle, 1997NY: Harcourt Brace$ 125.00View more details
Edward GoreyUncorrected proof for The Other Statue. The Secrets: Volume One, 2001NY: Harcourt$ 75.00View more details
Edward GoreyUncorrected proof for The Unstrung Harp; or, Mr. Earbrass Writes a Novel, 1981NY: Harcourt Brace$ 50.00View more details
J. K. RowlingUncorrected proofs for the first three books in the Harry Potter series, 1997, 1998, 1999London: Bloomsbury$ 67,500.00View more details
Rachel Laser; Kerry McAleer-Keeler (illus.)Uncovering White Privilege: A Primer, 2019Kensington, CA and Washington, D. C.: Liminal Press + BinderyOne of three A. P. copies or a limited edition of fifty-three. Signed by Laser and by Camden M. Richards, who designed and produced the project.$ 350.00View more details
George LambertUnrecorded Misfitz card set, (c. 1905)(London): C. W. Faulkner & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Nancy Ekholm BurkertValentine & Orson, 1989NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator at the half title.$ 65.00View more details
David KindersleyVariations on the Theme of Twenty-Six Letters, 1969Wellingborough, UK: Skelton's PressOne of 550 copies.$ 40.00View more details
Jane SherryVenus Unbound, 1993NY: Granary BooksOne of thirty numbered copies, signed by the artist.$ 1,500.00View more details
Vision of a Collector: The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in the Library of Congress, 1991Washington, D.C.: Library of CongressView more details
H. De Vaujany; Moustapha-Bey Radouan (ed.)Vocabulaire Français-Arabe (Dialecte Vulgaire de l'Egypte), 1884Le Caire: Imprimerie Nationale de BoulaqSecond edition.View more details
Henry David ThoreauWalden. A Talking Book, 1958St. Joseph, MI: Audio Book Company$ 200.00View more details
Hugh Walter Barclay and Gordon SislerWar in Our Time: Voices Against War, 2009Canada: Thee Hellbox Press and Emmett PressOne of 150 copies.$ 275.00View more details
War Is Good Business, Invest Your Son, 1969USA: Lambert Studios$ 975.00View more details
War Is Trauma, 2011(Pittsburgh): Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and Iraq Veterans Against the WarOne of 130 copies. All prints signed.$ 1,350.00View more details
Richard Fred Arey; Gaylord Schanilec (illus.)Waterfalls of the Mississippi, 1998Saint Paul, MN: Minnesota Outdoors PressOne of 200 copies. Signed by the author and the artist.$ 300.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.We Tried to Warn You, (2020)Kennedy Prints$ 250.00View more details
Anne Waldman; Joe Brainard (illus.)West Indies Poems, 1972New York: The Poetry Project, St. Mark's ChurchOne of twenty-six copies signed by Waldman and Brainard.$ 350.00View more details
Steve SchusterWhat It's Worth....and that's not much, 1978Dallas: Quoin PressOne of 200 copies.$ 275.00View more details
A. A. MilneWhen I Was Very Young, 1930NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 842 copies. Signed by Milne at the colophon.$ 300.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.When You Change 'I' to 'We', 2019(Baltimore): Maryland Institute College of Art$ 250.00View more details
Clare LeightonWhere Land Meets Sea. The Tide Line of Cape Cod, 1954NY: Rinehart and CompanyFirst edition. Signed by Leighton.$ 175.00View more details
Clare LeightonWhere Land Meets Sea. The Tide Line of Cape Cod, 1954NY: Rinehart and CompanyFirst edition, later printing. Inscribed by Leighton.$ 175.00View more details
Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.Who R U 2 Day, (c. 2005)York, AL: York Show Print$ 250.00View more details
A. A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh, 1926London: Methuen & Co.First edition in first issue dust wrapper.$ 2,500.00View more details
George F. HoarWoman's Right and Public Welfare, 1869Boston: C. K. Whipple$ 375.00View more details
Women of Greatness in American Herstory, 1975N.p.: Christine Engla Eber$ 425.00View more details
Women's Heritage Calendar and Almanac, 1970Santa Monica: Graphic Communications$ 300.00View more details
John Beedham; David Jones (illus.)Wood Engraving, 1925Ditchling: St. Dominic's PressSecond edition.$ 350.00View more details
Clare LeightonWood-Engraving and Woodcuts, 1932London and NY: The StudioInscribed by Leighton to the Taft School in Watertown, CT.$ 175.00View more details
Antonio FrasconiWoodcuts, 1957NY: Spiral PressOne of 500 copies, signed by Frasconi.$ 200.00View more details
Clare LeightonWoodcuts, 1930London, NY, and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co.One of 450 copies, signed by Leighton and with an additional inscription by him at the front free endpaper.$ 650.00View more details
Ye Primer: A Rhyme Book on Ye Letter of Ye Alphabet, Containing Also Certain Short Truths, (1902)NY: B.F. Goodrich Co.View more details
Lance Hidy[Fish], 1966(n.p.)Signed by the artist.$ 350.00View more details
Leib Kvitko; Vladimir Konashevich (illus.)Лошадка/Loshadka/[Horse], 1938Moscow: Detizdat$ 550.00View more details
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